Saturday, June 13, 2009

Branar, The Black Glatorian

Heres the black one. no recolors needed. i have no ideas for the helmet but ill tell u if i get any.


  1. A skrall helmet with a green head. Change the red head to green.
    Seems a little simple...(The head)


  2. And how should I give you the pics? Email? Post it on my blog?


  3. post on your blog. we'll decide the head color when we see the final helmet. do u have ideas for the name of this set of glatorian?

  4. I said just to use a skrall helmet with green head.
    But, if you want me to draw one, I might as wel.


  5. for the head why don't you use stronius's head with some horn upgrades and a black cape for the back, and for the weapon, give him a bow and arrow and a giant sword somewhat like tuma's... I think that would work because every great hunter needs more than one weapon ( the bow could be fused to a thornax launcher)

  6. Well, Branar isn't a leader Skrall and isn't an Elite Skrall. So why don't you use the Normal Skrall head recoloured with dark red or something.
